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Econet Wireless Details
DescriptionEconet Wireless: Empowering Africa through Communication. Explore the company's remarkable journey, from humble beginnings to becoming a leading force in the telecom industry. Learn about their commitment to bridging the digital divide and fostering economic growth in the continent.
Number of Employees2500 (2022)
Year Founded1998 (26 Years Ago)
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Econet Wireless Zimbabwe

Telecommunications company

Estimated Market Value (USD)
$0.3 Billion
$12 Million
Global Rank
World Wide
Country Rank
Zimbabwe Flag#2
Industry Rank

In the heart of Zimbabwe, where the vibrant spirit of entrepreneurship meets the challenges of modern telecommunications, one company has consistently stood out as a beacon of connectivity and innovation. Econet Wireless, founded in 1998 by the visionary Strive Masiyiwa, is not just a telecommunications giant but a symbol of hope, progress, and empowerment for millions in Zimbabwe and beyond.

Econet Wireless has played a pivotal role in shaping the telecommunications industry not only in Zimbabwe but across Africa. Its impact goes far beyond just connecting people; it has been a catalyst for economic growth and social transformation, making it a company worthy of closer examination.

Company History

Econet Wireless began its journey in the late 1990s when Zimbabwe was grappling with limited access to telecommunications services. Strive Masiyiwa, a man with a vision to bridge the digital divide and empower communities, founded the company. Facing initial regulatory hurdles, Masiyiwa's determination prevailed, and Econet became the first privately-owned mobile telecommunications company in Zimbabwe.

From its humble beginnings, Econet rapidly expanded its reach and services. The company's commitment to innovation and customer-centric approach propelled it to become a leading player in the African telecom industry. Over the years, Econet has not only transformed Zimbabwe's communication landscape but has also extended its influence to over 15 countries across the continent.

Products and Services

Econet Wireless is not just a mobile network operator; it's a comprehensive telecommunications and technology conglomerate. The company offers a diverse range of products and services that cater to the evolving needs of its customers.

Mobile Services

Econet's core business revolves around providing mobile services. It offers reliable voice and data solutions, covering urban centers and remote areas alike. With millions of subscribers, Econet has brought affordable communication within the grasp of countless Zimbabweans.


Econet revolutionized the way people manage their finances with EcoCash, a mobile banking and money transfer service. This innovative platform has enabled financial inclusion, empowering individuals and small businesses to transact securely and conveniently.


Econet's commitment to improving lives extends to insurance with EcoSure. This microinsurance product offers affordable coverage to Zimbabweans, providing peace of mind in challenging times.

Digital Solutions

Econet is not just a telecom company; it's a technology innovator. It offers a wide range of digital solutions, including cloud services, IoT, and enterprise-grade connectivity, facilitating Zimbabwe's digital transformation.

Internal Structure

Econet Wireless owes its success to a dedicated and diverse team that drives its operations. With a commitment to diversity and inclusion, the company has created an environment that fosters innovation and creativity. Its leadership, under the guidance of Strive Masiyiwa, combines deep industry knowledge with a passion for social impact.

The company's commitment to corporate social responsibility is evident through initiatives like the Higherlife Foundation, which supports education and healthcare across the continent. Econet is not just a corporate entity; it's a responsible corporate citizen.

In conclusion, Econet Wireless is more than just a telecommunications company; it's a force for positive change in Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole. Through its innovative products and services, its unwavering commitment to connecting communities, and its dedication to social responsibility, Econet has not only transformed the telecommunications industry but has also played a significant role in shaping the future of the continent. As Zimbabwe's pioneering telecom company, Econet Wireless continues to be a beacon of hope and progress for millions.