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Delta Corporation Head Office
Delta Corporation Head Office
Delta Corporation Details
Legal NameDelta Corporation Limited
DescriptionDelta Corporation is a leading Zimbabwean beverage company since 1946, offering a diverse range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks that have shaped the nation's thirst-quenching experiences.
Number of Employees5000 (2022)
Year Founded1946 (78 Years Ago)
(After Taxation)
ZWL$0.1 Trillion (2022)
Traded As
Key People
  • S Moyo (Chairman)
  • M M Valela (CEO)
  • F N Musinga (Secretary)
Borrowdale, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • National Breweries Plc
  • Schweppes Holdings Africa
  • Nampak Zimbabwe
  • African Distillers Limited
Official Website
Delta Corporation Profile Image On Wealth Hub

Delta Corporation

Beverage Company

Estimated Market Value (USD)
$0.6 Billion
$90 Million
Global Rank
World Wide
Country Rank
Zimbabwe Flag#1
Industry Rank

Delta Corporation, a name synonymous with quality beverages and a cornerstone of Zimbabwe's economy, has been making waves in the beverage industry for decades. Founded in 1946, this iconic Zimbabwean company has left an indelible mark on the nation's social, economic, and cultural landscape. As one of the largest and most influential companies in Zimbabwe, Delta Corporation has not only quenched the thirst of millions but has also played a pivotal role in shaping the nation's identity. In this profile article, we delve into the rich history, diverse products and services, and the internal structure that propels Delta Corporation towards a prosperous future.

Company Significance: Delta Corporation holds a special place in Zimbabwean history and society. It is more than just a beverage company; it's a symbol of resilience, innovation, and community. From its humble beginnings to its current stature, Delta Corporation has become a vital part of everyday life for Zimbabweans, providing refreshment, employment, and contributing significantly to the country's economic growth.

Industry and Impact: Delta Corporation operates in the beverage industry, primarily focusing on the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Its impact extends far beyond mere refreshment, as it plays a crucial role in sustaining the local economy, fostering entrepreneurship, and nurturing a culture of responsible drinking.

Company History

Delta Corporation's journey is a testament to the indomitable spirit of Zimbabwe. Founded by South African Breweries (SAB) in 1946, it started as a modest brewery in Bulawayo. Over the years, Delta Corporation has weathered the storms of political and economic change, emerging stronger and more determined with each challenge. In 1978, it became a wholly Zimbabwean-owned company, symbolizing the country's push for self-determination.

The company's growth and innovation have been marked by several milestones, including the launch of Chibuku, Zimbabwe's iconic traditional beer, and its successful foray into the soft drinks market with popular brands like Coca-Cola and Minute Maid. Delta Corporation has also expanded its reach into neighboring countries, becoming a regional powerhouse in the beverage industry.

Products and Services

Delta Corporation boasts a diverse portfolio of products and services that cater to a wide range of consumer preferences. At the heart of their offerings are their alcoholic beverages, which include lagers, traditional beers, and spirits. Some of their flagship brands, such as Castle Lager, have become household names, synonymous with quality and tradition.

For those seeking non-alcoholic refreshment, Delta Corporation offers a variety of soft drinks, bottled water, and fruit juices. The company's commitment to quality and innovation is evident in its partnerships with global brands like Coca-Cola, which ensures that Zimbabweans can enjoy the same world-class beverages as consumers around the world.

Beyond beverages, Delta Corporation engages in community outreach and sustainability initiatives, demonstrating a commitment to responsible business practices and the betterment of Zimbabwean society.

Internal Structure

Delta Corporation's internal structure is a model of efficiency and professionalism. At the helm of this esteemed organization is a dedicated leadership team led by the CEO, who oversees the company's strategic direction and growth. The company's workforce comprises thousands of talented individuals, from skilled brewers and marketers to logistics experts and customer service representatives.

Delta Corporation places a strong emphasis on corporate governance, ensuring transparency and accountability in all its operations. Their commitment to quality control is evident in their state-of-the-art production facilities, which adhere to international standards. Furthermore, the company's distribution network ensures that their products reach every corner of Zimbabwe, connecting with consumers on a personal level.

In conclusion, Delta Corporation is not just a beverage company; it's a pillar of Zimbabwean identity and progress. Its storied history, diverse product offerings, and efficient internal structure are a testament to its enduring success and commitment to uplifting the nation. As Zimbabwe continues to evolve, Delta Corporation remains a beacon of hope and resilience, a company that not only refreshes the nation but also fuels its aspirations for a brighter future.