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ABSA Group Details
Legal NameAbsa Group Limited
DescriptionABSA Group is a leading South African financial services company, offering a comprehensive range of banking, insurance, and wealth management solutions. With a rich history and a commitment to innovation, ABSA empowers individuals and businesses to thrive in today's dynamic financial landscape.ABSA Group is a leading South African financial services company, offering a comprehensive range of banking, insurance, and wealth management solutions. With a rich history and a commitment to innovation, ABSA empowers individuals and businesses to thrive in today's dynamic financial landscape.
Number of Employees25719 (2022)
Year Founded1888 (136 Years Ago)
Traded As
Key People
  • Sello Moloko (Chairman)
  • Arrie Rautenbach (CEO)
7th Floor of Absa Towers West, 15 Troye Street, Johannesburg, South Africa
Official Website
  • Absa Bank Kenya
  • Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited
  • Absa Bank Tanzania
  • Absa Bank Seychelles Limited
ABSA Group Profile Image On Wealth Hub

ABSA Group

Financial services company

Estimated Market Value (USD)
$8.8 Billion
$0.3 Billion
Global Rank
World Wide
Country Rank
South Africa Flag#6
Industry Rank

In the dynamic world of banking and financial services, ABSA Group stands as a beacon of innovation, trust, and prosperity. Founded in 1991, ABSA has become a pivotal player not only in South Africa but across the African continent and beyond. Its unwavering commitment to customer-centric solutions, coupled with a rich history and diverse range of products and services, makes ABSA a powerhouse in the financial industry.

Company History

The ABSA Group's journey is intertwined with the economic evolution of South Africa. Originally established as Amalgamated Banks of South Africa, the bank embarked on a transformational journey, rebranding as ABSA in 1998, and later, becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Barclays PLC in 2005. However, the winds of change blew once more in 2017, as Barclays reduced its ownership to a minority stake, allowing ABSA to become an independent African financial services group, headquartered in Johannesburg.

Over the years, ABSA has diligently adapted to the ever-changing financial landscape. From its modest beginnings to becoming one of the largest banks in South Africa and an influential player in Africa's financial markets, ABSA's evolution reflects its resilience and commitment to serving its customers, stakeholders, and communities.

Products and Services

Banking Solutions for Every Need

ABSA's product and service portfolio is as diverse as the customers it serves. The bank provides a wide range of financial solutions tailored to individuals, businesses, and institutional clients. Whether you're a young professional seeking your first savings account, an entrepreneur looking for business financing, or a multinational corporation requiring sophisticated treasury services, ABSA has you covered.

Digital Transformation

In an era defined by digitalization, ABSA has embraced technological innovation to enhance customer experiences. The bank offers user-friendly mobile and online banking platforms, ensuring clients can access their accounts and conduct transactions conveniently from anywhere, anytime. Mobile payments, digital wallets, and advanced cybersecurity measures are just a few examples of ABSA's tech-forward approach to banking.

Investment and Wealth Management

ABSA recognizes the importance of wealth creation and preservation. The bank's investment and wealth management services provide clients with expert guidance on growing and safeguarding their financial assets. Through personalized strategies, diversified portfolios, and access to global markets, ABSA empowers clients to achieve their financial goals.

Sustainable Banking

ABSA is not just about profits; it's about making a positive impact on society and the environment. The bank is committed to sustainability and actively participates in initiatives that promote economic development, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship. From supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to funding renewable energy projects, ABSA is a financial institution with a conscience.

Internal Structure

ABSA's internal structure is a well-oiled machine dedicated to delivering the highest standards of service. At the helm of this financial giant is a dedicated leadership team with a wealth of experience in banking and finance. The bank's organizational structure is designed to foster innovation, collaboration, and agility in response to market dynamics.

ABSA's employees are its greatest assets. With a workforce that reflects the rich diversity of South Africa and beyond, the bank draws upon a broad range of talents and perspectives. This diverse pool of talent contributes to ABSA's ability to understand and cater to the unique needs of its customer base.

In conclusion, ABSA Group's journey from its origins as a regional bank to its current status as a leading African financial services group is a testament to its adaptability and commitment to excellence. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, ABSA remains at the forefront, poised to provide innovative solutions that drive economic growth and improve the lives of individuals and communities across South Africa and beyond. With a history steeped in resilience and a future defined by innovation, ABSA Group is not just a bank; it's a force for positive change in the world of finance.